Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Business of Uplifting People - Sharing by our Leader Mr Lim Eng Hai

The Business of Uplifting People
Many people out there have bad things to say about network marketing, based either on hearsay or their own unfortunate experiences. However, I believe that if only they knew what we, the professionals of the industry, know, they'd start thinking, speaking and feeling differently.

In addition, in the words of a very successful leader, who achieved a 6-figure monthly income within 3-4 years, they might discover in network marketing what they've always been seeking all these years. He said: "Don't say 'No' to something you don't know much about, yet. How do you know it's not what you've been looking for all these years?"

Here, I'd like to share an article I contributed to the industry-defining book, "It's Time .. For Network Marketing". The book, published in 2007, was edited by John Milton Fogg, author of another, earlier network marketing classic, The Greatest Networker In The World. I'm proud to be one of the book's 52 contributors.

To get to the article, 'Celebrating Network Marketing: The Business of Uplifting People', you can copy the link below and paste it to your Internet browser, or maybe even just click through:

Happy Reading! Contact me if you'd like me to help you with any question or concerns.

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